
Step One: Connect and Initiate

Begin by clicking "Launch App" on burve.io and then "Connect" to connect your wallet in the upper right corner of the Burve dApp. Switch to the chain corresponding to the desired token creation, click "Launch Token" and select "Launch HODL Token" to access the token creation page.

Step Two: Enter Token Info

  • Provide the Project Name

  • Specify the Currency Code (Token Symbol)

  • Upload the Token Logo image

  • Verify Project Twitter account

  • Select Anchor Token (Complete the application form if it's not available)

  • Optionally, fill in More Project Info

Step Three: Set Market Maker Curve Parameters

  • Choose curve type

  • Set the initial price, the A value Parameters for Exponential Curve, max. supply for exponential curve

  • Or set the initial token price, final token price and max. supply for linear curve

Step Four: Transaction Settings

  • Set the tax treasury address

  • Specify the tax ratio for sales and purchases Trading Taxes [HODL only]

  • Choose between immediate trade and scheduled trade

  • Optionally, set the pre-mint token amount

Step Five: Generate and Explore

Generate and view the created tokens on-chain. Explore the token on the Burve dAPP's Explore page and access its details. Find comprehensive data in the Launched Token section of My Burve. Adjust token settings as required, with modifications limited to a single occurrence within a 48-hour window.

Last updated