đ§â Filtering of all entities available
Field | Type |
number_gte | Int! |
Field | Type |
hash | Bytes |
number | Int |
number_gte | Int |
Field | Type |
id | ID |
id_not | ID |
id_gt | ID |
id_lt | ID |
id_gte | ID |
id_lte | ID |
id_in | [ID!] |
id_not_in | [ID!] |
name | String |
name_not | String |
name_gt | String |
name_lt | String |
name_gte | String |
name_lte | String |
name_in | [String!] |
name_not_in | [String!] |
name_contains | String |
name_contains_nocase | String |
name_not_contains | String |
name_not_contains_nocase | String |
name_starts_with | String |
name_starts_with_nocase | String |
name_not_starts_with | String |
name_not_starts_with_nocase | String |
name_ends_with | String |
name_ends_with_nocase | String |
name_not_ends_with | String |
name_not_ends_with_nocase | String |
impl | Bytes |
impl_not | Bytes |
impl_gt | Bytes |
impl_lt | Bytes |
impl_gte | Bytes |
impl_lte | Bytes |
impl_in | [Bytes!] |
impl_not_in | [Bytes!] |
impl_contains | Bytes |
impl_not_contains | Bytes |
_change_block | BlockChangedFilter |
and | [BondingCurveType_filter] |
or | [BondingCurveType_filter] |
Field | Type |
id | ID |
id_not | ID |
id_gt | ID |
id_lt | ID |
id_gte | ID |
id_lte | ID |
id_in | [ID!] |
id_not_in | [ID!] |
count | BigDecimal |
count_not | BigDecimal |
count_gt | BigDecimal |
count_lt | BigDecimal |
count_gte | BigDecimal |
count_lte | BigDecimal |
count_in | [BigDecimal!] |
count_not_in | [BigDecimal!] |
type | String |
type_not | String |
type_gt | String |
type_lt | String |
type_gte | String |
type_lte | String |
type_in | [String!] |
type_not_in | [String!] |
type_contains | String |
type_contains_nocase | String |
type_not_contains | String |
type_not_contains_nocase | String |
type_starts_with | String |
type_starts_with_nocase | String |
type_not_starts_with | String |
type_not_starts_with_nocase | String |
type_ends_with | String |
type_ends_with_nocase | String |
type_not_ends_with | String |
type_not_ends_with_nocase | String |
timestamp | BigInt |
timestamp_not | BigInt |
timestamp_gt | BigInt |
timestamp_lt | BigInt |
timestamp_gte | BigInt |
timestamp_lte | BigInt |
timestamp_in | [BigInt!] |
timestamp_not_in | [BigInt!] |
_change_block | BlockChangedFilter |
and | [CounterEntity_filter] |
or | [CounterEntity_filter] |
Field | Type |
id | ID |
id_not | ID |
id_gt | ID |
id_lt | ID |
id_gte | ID |
id_lte | ID |
id_in | [ID!] |
id_not_in | [ID!] |
name | String |
name_not | String |
name_gt | String |
name_lt | String |
name_gte | String |
name_lte | String |
name_in | [String!] |
name_not_in | [String!] |
name_contains | String |
name_contains_nocase | String |
name_not_contains | String |
name_not_contains_nocase | String |
name_starts_with | String |
name_starts_with_nocase | String |
name_not_starts_with | String |
name_not_starts_with_nocase | String |
name_ends_with | String |
name_ends_with_nocase | String |
name_not_ends_with | String |
name_not_ends_with_nocase | String |
addr | Bytes |
addr_not | Bytes |
addr_gt | Bytes |
addr_lt | Bytes |
addr_gte | Bytes |
addr_lte | Bytes |
addr_in | [Bytes!] |
addr_not_in | [Bytes!] |
addr_contains | Bytes |
addr_not_contains | Bytes |
encoder | String |
encoder_not | String |
encoder_gt | String |
encoder_lt | String |
encoder_gte | String |
encoder_lte | String |
encoder_in | [String!] |
encoder_not_in | [String!] |
encoder_contains | String |
encoder_contains_nocase | String |
encoder_not_contains | String |
encoder_not_contains_nocase | String |
encoder_starts_with | String |
encoder_starts_with_nocase | String |
encoder_not_starts_with | String |
encoder_not_starts_with_nocase | String |
encoder_ends_with | String |
encoder_ends_with_nocase | String |
encoder_not_ends_with | String |
encoder_not_ends_with_nocase | String |
_change_block | BlockChangedFilter |
and | [HookEntity_filter] |
or | [HookEntity_filter] |
Field | Type |
id | ID |
id_not | ID |
id_gt | ID |
id_lt | ID |
id_gte | ID |
id_lte | ID |
id_in | [ID!] |
id_not_in | [ID!] |
token | String |
token_not | String |
token_gt | String |
token_lt | String |
token_gte | String |
token_lte | String |
token_in | [String!] |
token_not_in | [String!] |
token_contains | String |
token_contains_nocase | String |
token_not_contains | String |
token_not_contains_nocase | String |
token_starts_with | String |
token_starts_with_nocase | String |
token_not_starts_with | String |
token_not_starts_with_nocase | String |
token_ends_with | String |
token_ends_with_nocase | String |
token_not_ends_with | String |
token_not_ends_with_nocase | String |
token_ | TokenEntity_filter |
data | Bytes |
data_not | Bytes |
data_gt | Bytes |
data_lt | Bytes |
data_gte | Bytes |
data_lte | Bytes |
data_in | [Bytes!] |
data_not_in | [Bytes!] |
data_contains | Bytes |
data_not_contains | Bytes |
encoder | String |
encoder_not | String |
encoder_gt | String |
encoder_lt | String |
encoder_gte | String |
encoder_lte | String |
encoder_in | [String!] |
encoder_not_in | [String!] |
encoder_contains | String |
encoder_contains_nocase | String |
encoder_not_contains | String |
encoder_not_contains_nocase | String |
encoder_starts_with | String |
encoder_starts_with_nocase | String |
encoder_not_starts_with | String |
encoder_not_starts_with_nocase | String |
encoder_ends_with | String |
encoder_ends_with_nocase | String |
encoder_not_ends_with | String |
encoder_not_ends_with_nocase | String |
name | String |
name_not | String |
name_gt | String |
name_lt | String |
name_gte | String |
name_lte | String |
name_in | [String!] |
name_not_in | [String!] |
name_contains | String |
name_contains_nocase | String |
name_not_contains | String |
name_not_contains_nocase | String |
name_starts_with | String |
name_starts_with_nocase | String |
name_not_starts_with | String |
name_not_starts_with_nocase | String |
name_ends_with | String |
name_ends_with_nocase | String |
name_not_ends_with | String |
name_not_ends_with_nocase | String |
addr | Bytes |
addr_not | Bytes |
addr_gt | Bytes |
addr_lt | Bytes |
addr_gte | Bytes |
addr_lte | Bytes |
addr_in | [Bytes!] |
addr_not_in | [Bytes!] |
addr_contains | Bytes |
addr_not_contains | Bytes |
_change_block | BlockChangedFilter |
and | [Hook_filter] |
or | [Hook_filter] |
Field | Type |
id | ID |
id_not | ID |
id_gt | ID |
id_lt | ID |
id_gte | ID |
id_lte | ID |
id_in | [ID!] |
id_not_in | [ID!] |
token | String |
token_not | String |
token_gt | String |
token_lt | String |
token_gte | String |
token_lte | String |
token_in | [String!] |
token_not_in | [String!] |
token_contains | String |
token_contains_nocase | String |
token_not_contains | String |
token_not_contains_nocase | String |
token_starts_with | String |
token_starts_with_nocase | String |
token_not_starts_with | String |
token_not_starts_with_nocase | String |
token_ends_with | String |
token_ends_with_nocase | String |
token_not_ends_with | String |
token_not_ends_with_nocase | String |
token_ | TokenEntity_filter |
user | String |
user_not | String |
user_gt | String |
user_lt | String |
user_gte | String |
user_lte | String |
user_in | [String!] |
user_not_in | [String!] |
user_contains | String |
user_contains_nocase | String |
user_not_contains | String |
user_not_contains_nocase | String |
user_starts_with | String |
user_starts_with_nocase | String |
user_not_starts_with | String |
user_not_starts_with_nocase | String |
user_ends_with | String |
user_ends_with_nocase | String |
user_not_ends_with | String |
user_not_ends_with_nocase | String |
user_ | User_filter |
ids | [BigInt!] |
ids_not | [BigInt!] |
ids_contains | [BigInt!] |
ids_contains_nocase | [BigInt!] |
ids_not_contains | [BigInt!] |
ids_not_contains_nocase | [BigInt!] |
balance | BigDecimal |
balance_not | BigDecimal |
balance_gt | BigDecimal |
balance_lt | BigDecimal |
balance_gte | BigDecimal |
balance_lte | BigDecimal |
balance_in | [BigDecimal!] |
balance_not_in | [BigDecimal!] |
_change_block | BlockChangedFilter |
and | [Member_filter] |
or | [Member_filter] |
Field | Type |
id | ID |
id_not | ID |
id_gt | ID |
id_lt | ID |
id_gte | ID |
id_lte | ID |
id_in | [ID!] |
id_not_in | [ID!] |
hash | Bytes |
hash_not | Bytes |
hash_gt | Bytes |
hash_lt | Bytes |
hash_gte | Bytes |
hash_lte | Bytes |
hash_in | [Bytes!] |
hash_not_in | [Bytes!] |
hash_contains | Bytes |
hash_not_contains | Bytes |
blockNum | BigInt |
blockNum_not | BigInt |
blockNum_gt | BigInt |
blockNum_lt | BigInt |
blockNum_gte | BigInt |
blockNum_lte | BigInt |
blockNum_in | [BigInt!] |
blockNum_not_in | [BigInt!] |
timestamp | BigInt |
timestamp_not | BigInt |
timestamp_gt | BigInt |
timestamp_lt | BigInt |
timestamp_gte | BigInt |
timestamp_lte | BigInt |
timestamp_in | [BigInt!] |
timestamp_not_in | [BigInt!] |
direction | Int |
direction_not | Int |
direction_gt | Int |
direction_lt | Int |
direction_gte | Int |
direction_lte | Int |
direction_in | [Int!] |
direction_not_in | [Int!] |
from | Bytes |
from_not | Bytes |
from_gt | Bytes |
from_lt | Bytes |
from_gte | Bytes |
from_lte | Bytes |
from_in | [Bytes!] |
from_not_in | [Bytes!] |
from_contains | Bytes |
from_not_contains | Bytes |
to | Bytes |
to_not | Bytes |
to_gt | Bytes |
to_lt | Bytes |
to_gte | Bytes |
to_lte | Bytes |
to_in | [Bytes!] |
to_not_in | [Bytes!] |
to_contains | Bytes |
to_not_contains | Bytes |
erc20Amount | BigDecimal |
erc20Amount_not | BigDecimal |
erc20Amount_gt | BigDecimal |
erc20Amount_lt | BigDecimal |
erc20Amount_gte | BigDecimal |
erc20Amount_lte | BigDecimal |
erc20Amount_in | [BigDecimal!] |
erc20Amount_not_in | [BigDecimal!] |
nativeAmount | BigDecimal |
nativeAmount_not | BigDecimal |
nativeAmount_gt | BigDecimal |
nativeAmount_lt | BigDecimal |
nativeAmount_gte | BigDecimal |
nativeAmount_lte | BigDecimal |
nativeAmount_in | [BigDecimal!] |
nativeAmount_not_in | [BigDecimal!] |
platformFee | BigDecimal |
platformFee_not | BigDecimal |
platformFee_gt | BigDecimal |
platformFee_lt | BigDecimal |
platformFee_gte | BigDecimal |
platformFee_lte | BigDecimal |
platformFee_in | [BigDecimal!] |
platformFee_not_in | [BigDecimal!] |
projectFee | BigDecimal |
projectFee_not | BigDecimal |
projectFee_gt | BigDecimal |
projectFee_lt | BigDecimal |
projectFee_gte | BigDecimal |
projectFee_lte | BigDecimal |
projectFee_in | [BigDecimal!] |
projectFee_not_in | [BigDecimal!] |
price | BigDecimal |
price_not | BigDecimal |
price_gt | BigDecimal |
price_lt | BigDecimal |
price_gte | BigDecimal |
price_lte | BigDecimal |
price_in | [BigDecimal!] |
price_not_in | [BigDecimal!] |
tvl | BigDecimal |
tvl_not | BigDecimal |
tvl_gt | BigDecimal |
tvl_lt | BigDecimal |
tvl_gte | BigDecimal |
tvl_lte | BigDecimal |
tvl_in | [BigDecimal!] |
tvl_not_in | [BigDecimal!] |
tradeVolumes | BigDecimal |
tradeVolumes_not | BigDecimal |
tradeVolumes_gt | BigDecimal |
tradeVolumes_lt | BigDecimal |
tradeVolumes_gte | BigDecimal |
tradeVolumes_lte | BigDecimal |
tradeVolumes_in | [BigDecimal!] |
tradeVolumes_not_in | [BigDecimal!] |
token | String |
token_not | String |
token_gt | String |
token_lt | String |
token_gte | String |
token_lte | String |
token_in | [String!] |
token_not_in | [String!] |
token_contains | String |
token_contains_nocase | String |
token_not_contains | String |
token_not_contains_nocase | String |
token_starts_with | String |
token_starts_with_nocase | String |
token_not_starts_with | String |
token_not_starts_with_nocase | String |
token_ends_with | String |
token_ends_with_nocase | String |
token_not_ends_with | String |
token_not_ends_with_nocase | String |
token_ | TokenEntity_filter |
_change_block | BlockChangedFilter |
and | [MintBurnEntity_filter] |
or | [MintBurnEntity_filter] |
Field | Type |
id | ID |
id_not | ID |
id_gt | ID |
id_lt | ID |
id_gte | ID |
id_lte | ID |
id_in | [ID!] |
id_not_in | [ID!] |
net | String |
net_not | String |
net_gt | String |
net_lt | String |
net_gte | String |
net_lte | String |
net_in | [String!] |
net_not_in | [String!] |
net_contains | String |
net_contains_nocase | String |
net_not_contains | String |
net_not_contains_nocase | String |
net_starts_with | String |
net_starts_with_nocase | String |
net_not_starts_with | String |
net_not_starts_with_nocase | String |
net_ends_with | String |
net_ends_with_nocase | String |
net_not_ends_with | String |
net_not_ends_with_nocase | String |
addr | Bytes |
addr_not | Bytes |
addr_gt | Bytes |
addr_lt | Bytes |
addr_gte | Bytes |
addr_lte | Bytes |
addr_in | [Bytes!] |
addr_not_in | [Bytes!] |
addr_contains | Bytes |
addr_not_contains | Bytes |
admin | Bytes |
admin_not | Bytes |
admin_gt | Bytes |
admin_lt | Bytes |
admin_gte | Bytes |
admin_lte | Bytes |
admin_in | [Bytes!] |
admin_not_in | [Bytes!] |
admin_contains | Bytes |
admin_not_contains | Bytes |
treasury | Bytes |
treasury_not | Bytes |
treasury_gt | Bytes |
treasury_lt | Bytes |
treasury_gte | Bytes |
treasury_lte | Bytes |
treasury_in | [Bytes!] |
treasury_not_in | [Bytes!] |
treasury_contains | Bytes |
treasury_not_contains | Bytes |
route | Bytes |
route_not | Bytes |
route_gt | Bytes |
route_lt | Bytes |
route_gte | Bytes |
route_lte | Bytes |
route_in | [Bytes!] |
route_not_in | [Bytes!] |
route_contains | Bytes |
route_not_contains | Bytes |
mintTax | BigInt |
mintTax_not | BigInt |
mintTax_gt | BigInt |
mintTax_lt | BigInt |
mintTax_gte | BigInt |
mintTax_lte | BigInt |
mintTax_in | [BigInt!] |
mintTax_not_in | [BigInt!] |
burnTax | BigInt |
burnTax_not | BigInt |
burnTax_gt | BigInt |
burnTax_lt | BigInt |
burnTax_gte | BigInt |
burnTax_lte | BigInt |
burnTax_in | [BigInt!] |
burnTax_not_in | [BigInt!] |
klines | [String!] |
klines_not | [String!] |
klines_contains | [String!] |
klines_contains_nocase | [String!] |
klines_not_contains | [String!] |
klines_not_contains_nocase | [String!] |
_change_block | BlockChangedFilter |
and | [PlatformEntity_filter] |
or | [PlatformEntity_filter] |
Field | Type |
id | ID |
id_not | ID |
id_gt | ID |
id_lt | ID |
id_gte | ID |
id_lte | ID |
id_in | [ID!] |
id_not_in | [ID!] |
type | String |
type_not | String |
type_gt | String |
type_lt | String |
type_gte | String |
type_lte | String |
type_in | [String!] |
type_not_in | [String!] |
type_contains | String |
type_contains_nocase | String |
type_not_contains | String |
type_not_contains_nocase | String |
type_starts_with | String |
type_starts_with_nocase | String |
type_not_starts_with | String |
type_not_starts_with_nocase | String |
type_ends_with | String |
type_ends_with_nocase | String |
type_not_ends_with | String |
type_not_ends_with_nocase | String |
minPrice | BigDecimal |
minPrice_not | BigDecimal |
minPrice_gt | BigDecimal |
minPrice_lt | BigDecimal |
minPrice_gte | BigDecimal |
minPrice_lte | BigDecimal |
minPrice_in | [BigDecimal!] |
minPrice_not_in | [BigDecimal!] |
maxPrice | BigDecimal |
maxPrice_not | BigDecimal |
maxPrice_gt | BigDecimal |
maxPrice_lt | BigDecimal |
maxPrice_gte | BigDecimal |
maxPrice_lte | BigDecimal |
maxPrice_in | [BigDecimal!] |
maxPrice_not_in | [BigDecimal!] |
openPrice | BigDecimal |
openPrice_not | BigDecimal |
openPrice_gt | BigDecimal |
openPrice_lt | BigDecimal |
openPrice_gte | BigDecimal |
openPrice_lte | BigDecimal |
openPrice_in | [BigDecimal!] |
openPrice_not_in | [BigDecimal!] |
closePrice | BigDecimal |
closePrice_not | BigDecimal |
closePrice_gt | BigDecimal |
closePrice_lt | BigDecimal |
closePrice_gte | BigDecimal |
closePrice_lte | BigDecimal |
closePrice_in | [BigDecimal!] |
closePrice_not_in | [BigDecimal!] |
tokenTvl | BigDecimal |
tokenTvl_not | BigDecimal |
tokenTvl_gt | BigDecimal |
tokenTvl_lt | BigDecimal |
tokenTvl_gte | BigDecimal |
tokenTvl_lte | BigDecimal |
tokenTvl_in | [BigDecimal!] |
tokenTvl_not_in | [BigDecimal!] |
timestamp | BigInt |
timestamp_not | BigInt |
timestamp_gt | BigInt |
timestamp_lt | BigInt |
timestamp_gte | BigInt |
timestamp_lte | BigInt |
timestamp_in | [BigInt!] |
timestamp_not_in | [BigInt!] |
token | String |
token_not | String |
token_gt | String |
token_lt | String |
token_gte | String |
token_lte | String |
token_in | [String!] |
token_not_in | [String!] |
token_contains | String |
token_contains_nocase | String |
token_not_contains | String |
token_not_contains_nocase | String |
token_starts_with | String |
token_starts_with_nocase | String |
token_not_starts_with | String |
token_not_starts_with_nocase | String |
token_ends_with | String |
token_ends_with_nocase | String |
token_not_ends_with | String |
token_not_ends_with_nocase | String |
token_ | TokenEntity_filter |
volume | BigDecimal |
volume_not | BigDecimal |
volume_gt | BigDecimal |
volume_lt | BigDecimal |
volume_gte | BigDecimal |
volume_lte | BigDecimal |
volume_in | [BigDecimal!] |
volume_not_in | [BigDecimal!] |
_change_block | BlockChangedFilter |
and | [Price_filter] |
or | [Price_filter] |
Field | Type |
id | ID |
id_not | ID |
id_gt | ID |
id_lt | ID |
id_gte | ID |
id_lte | ID |
id_in | [ID!] |
id_not_in | [ID!] |
index | BigInt |
index_not | BigInt |
index_gt | BigInt |
index_lt | BigInt |
index_gte | BigInt |
index_lte | BigInt |
index_in | [BigInt!] |
index_not_in | [BigInt!] |
net | String |
net_not | String |
net_gt | String |
net_lt | String |
net_gte | String |
net_lte | String |
net_in | [String!] |
net_not_in | [String!] |
net_contains | String |
net_contains_nocase | String |
net_not_contains | String |
net_not_contains_nocase | String |
net_starts_with | String |
net_starts_with_nocase | String |
net_not_starts_with | String |
net_not_starts_with_nocase | String |
net_ends_with | String |
net_ends_with_nocase | String |
net_not_ends_with | String |
net_not_ends_with_nocase | String |
addr | Bytes |
addr_not | Bytes |
addr_gt | Bytes |
addr_lt | Bytes |
addr_gte | Bytes |
addr_lte | Bytes |
addr_in | [Bytes!] |
addr_not_in | [Bytes!] |
addr_contains | Bytes |
addr_not_contains | Bytes |
factory | Bytes |
factory_not | Bytes |
factory_gt | Bytes |
factory_lt | Bytes |
factory_gte | Bytes |
factory_lte | Bytes |
factory_in | [Bytes!] |
factory_not_in | [Bytes!] |
factory_contains | Bytes |
factory_not_contains | Bytes |
name | String |
name_not | String |
name_gt | String |
name_lt | String |
name_gte | String |
name_lte | String |
name_in | [String!] |
name_not_in | [String!] |
name_contains | String |
name_contains_nocase | String |
name_not_contains | String |
name_not_contains_nocase | String |
name_starts_with | String |
name_starts_with_nocase | String |
name_not_starts_with | String |
name_not_starts_with_nocase | String |
name_ends_with | String |
name_ends_with_nocase | String |
name_not_ends_with | String |
name_not_ends_with_nocase | String |
symbol | String |
symbol_not | String |
symbol_gt | String |
symbol_lt | String |
symbol_gte | String |
symbol_lte | String |
symbol_in | [String!] |
symbol_not_in | [String!] |
symbol_contains | String |
symbol_contains_nocase | String |
symbol_not_contains | String |
symbol_not_contains_nocase | String |
symbol_starts_with | String |
symbol_starts_with_nocase | String |
symbol_not_starts_with | String |
symbol_not_starts_with_nocase | String |
symbol_ends_with | String |
symbol_ends_with_nocase | String |
symbol_not_ends_with | String |
symbol_not_ends_with_nocase | String |
metaUri | String |
metaUri_not | String |
metaUri_gt | String |
metaUri_lt | String |
metaUri_gte | String |
metaUri_lte | String |
metaUri_in | [String!] |
metaUri_not_in | [String!] |
metaUri_contains | String |
metaUri_contains_nocase | String |
metaUri_not_contains | String |
metaUri_not_contains_nocase | String |
metaUri_starts_with | String |
metaUri_starts_with_nocase | String |
metaUri_not_starts_with | String |
metaUri_not_starts_with_nocase | String |
metaUri_ends_with | String |
metaUri_ends_with_nocase | String |
metaUri_not_ends_with | String |
metaUri_not_ends_with_nocase | String |
supply | BigDecimal |
supply_not | BigDecimal |
supply_gt | BigDecimal |
supply_lt | BigDecimal |
supply_gte | BigDecimal |
supply_lte | BigDecimal |
supply_in | [BigDecimal!] |
supply_not_in | [BigDecimal!] |
tokenType | String |
tokenType_not | String |
tokenType_gt | String |
tokenType_lt | String |
tokenType_gte | String |
tokenType_lte | String |
tokenType_in | [String!] |
tokenType_not_in | [String!] |
tokenType_contains | String |
tokenType_contains_nocase | String |
tokenType_not_contains | String |
tokenType_not_contains_nocase | String |
tokenType_starts_with | String |
tokenType_starts_with_nocase | String |
tokenType_not_starts_with | String |
tokenType_not_starts_with_nocase | String |
tokenType_ends_with | String |
tokenType_ends_with_nocase | String |
tokenType_not_ends_with | String |
tokenType_not_ends_with_nocase | String |
bondingCurveType | String |
bondingCurveType_not | String |
bondingCurveType_gt | String |
bondingCurveType_lt | String |
bondingCurveType_gte | String |
bondingCurveType_lte | String |
bondingCurveType_in | [String!] |
bondingCurveType_not_in | [String!] |
bondingCurveType_contains | String |
bondingCurveType_contains_nocase | String |
bondingCurveType_not_contains | String |
bondingCurveType_not_contains_nocase | String |
bondingCurveType_starts_with | String |
bondingCurveType_starts_with_nocase | String |
bondingCurveType_not_starts_with | String |
bondingCurveType_not_starts_with_nocase | String |
bondingCurveType_ends_with | String |
bondingCurveType_ends_with_nocase | String |
bondingCurveType_not_ends_with | String |
bondingCurveType_not_ends_with_nocase | String |
raisingToken | Bytes |
raisingToken_not | Bytes |
raisingToken_gt | Bytes |
raisingToken_lt | Bytes |
raisingToken_gte | Bytes |
raisingToken_lte | Bytes |
raisingToken_in | [Bytes!] |
raisingToken_not_in | [Bytes!] |
raisingToken_contains | Bytes |
raisingToken_not_contains | Bytes |
params | String |
params_not | String |
params_gt | String |
params_lt | String |
params_gte | String |
params_lte | String |
params_in | [String!] |
params_not_in | [String!] |
params_contains | String |
params_contains_nocase | String |
params_not_contains | String |
params_not_contains_nocase | String |
params_starts_with | String |
params_starts_with_nocase | String |
params_not_starts_with | String |
params_not_starts_with_nocase | String |
params_ends_with | String |
params_ends_with_nocase | String |
params_not_ends_with | String |
params_not_ends_with_nocase | String |
mintTax | BigInt |
mintTax_not | BigInt |
mintTax_gt | BigInt |
mintTax_lt | BigInt |
mintTax_gte | BigInt |
mintTax_lte | BigInt |
mintTax_in | [BigInt!] |
mintTax_not_in | [BigInt!] |
burnTax | BigInt |
burnTax_not | BigInt |
burnTax_gt | BigInt |
burnTax_lt | BigInt |
burnTax_gte | BigInt |
burnTax_lte | BigInt |
burnTax_in | [BigInt!] |
burnTax_not_in | [BigInt!] |
paused | Boolean |
paused_not | Boolean |
paused_in | [Boolean!] |
paused_not_in | [Boolean!] |
doomsDays | Boolean |
doomsDays_not | Boolean |
doomsDays_in | [Boolean!] |
doomsDays_not_in | [Boolean!] |
destoryed | Boolean |
destoryed_not | Boolean |
destoryed_in | [Boolean!] |
destoryed_not_in | [Boolean!] |
treasury | Bytes |
treasury_not | Bytes |
treasury_gt | Bytes |
treasury_lt | Bytes |
treasury_gte | Bytes |
treasury_lte | Bytes |
treasury_in | [Bytes!] |
treasury_not_in | [Bytes!] |
treasury_contains | Bytes |
treasury_not_contains | Bytes |
admin | Bytes |
admin_not | Bytes |
admin_gt | Bytes |
admin_lt | Bytes |
admin_gte | Bytes |
admin_lte | Bytes |
admin_in | [Bytes!] |
admin_not_in | [Bytes!] |
admin_contains | Bytes |
admin_not_contains | Bytes |
creator | Bytes |
creator_not | Bytes |
creator_gt | Bytes |
creator_lt | Bytes |
creator_gte | Bytes |
creator_lte | Bytes |
creator_in | [Bytes!] |
creator_not_in | [Bytes!] |
creator_contains | Bytes |
creator_not_contains | Bytes |
marketCap | BigDecimal |
marketCap_not | BigDecimal |
marketCap_gt | BigDecimal |
marketCap_lt | BigDecimal |
marketCap_gte | BigDecimal |
marketCap_lte | BigDecimal |
marketCap_in | [BigDecimal!] |
marketCap_not_in | [BigDecimal!] |
currentPrice | BigDecimal |
currentPrice_not | BigDecimal |
currentPrice_gt | BigDecimal |
currentPrice_lt | BigDecimal |
currentPrice_gte | BigDecimal |
currentPrice_lte | BigDecimal |
currentPrice_in | [BigDecimal!] |
currentPrice_not_in | [BigDecimal!] |
lockValue | BigDecimal |
lockValue_not | BigDecimal |
lockValue_gt | BigDecimal |
lockValue_lt | BigDecimal |
lockValue_gte | BigDecimal |
lockValue_lte | BigDecimal |
lockValue_in | [BigDecimal!] |
lockValue_not_in | [BigDecimal!] |
treasuryFee | BigDecimal |
treasuryFee_not | BigDecimal |
treasuryFee_gt | BigDecimal |
treasuryFee_lt | BigDecimal |
treasuryFee_gte | BigDecimal |
treasuryFee_lte | BigDecimal |
treasuryFee_in | [BigDecimal!] |
treasuryFee_not_in | [BigDecimal!] |
memberCount | BigInt |
memberCount_not | BigInt |
memberCount_gt | BigInt |
memberCount_lt | BigInt |
memberCount_gte | BigInt |
memberCount_lte | BigInt |
memberCount_in | [BigInt!] |
memberCount_not_in | [BigInt!] |
decimal | Int8 |
decimal_not | Int8 |
decimal_gt | Int8 |
decimal_lt | Int8 |
decimal_gte | Int8 |
decimal_lte | Int8 |
decimal_in | [Int8!] |
decimal_not_in | [Int8!] |
baseDecimal | Int8 |
baseDecimal_not | Int8 |
baseDecimal_gt | Int8 |
baseDecimal_lt | Int8 |
baseDecimal_gte | Int8 |
baseDecimal_lte | Int8 |
baseDecimal_in | [Int8!] |
baseDecimal_not_in | [Int8!] |
txCount | BigInt |
txCount_not | BigInt |
txCount_gt | BigInt |
txCount_lt | BigInt |
txCount_gte | BigInt |
txCount_lte | BigInt |
txCount_in | [BigInt!] |
txCount_not_in | [BigInt!] |
createTimestamp | BigInt |
createTimestamp_not | BigInt |
createTimestamp_gt | BigInt |
createTimestamp_lt | BigInt |
createTimestamp_gte | BigInt |
createTimestamp_lte | BigInt |
createTimestamp_in | [BigInt!] |
createTimestamp_not_in | [BigInt!] |
prices_ | Price_filter |
hooks_ | Hook_filter |
mintBurnTxs_ | MintBurnEntity_filter |
members_ | Member_filter |
_change_block | BlockChangedFilter |
and | [TokenEntity_filter] |
or | [TokenEntity_filter] |
Field | Type |
id | ID |
id_not | ID |
id_gt | ID |
id_lt | ID |
id_gte | ID |
id_lte | ID |
id_in | [ID!] |
id_not_in | [ID!] |
name | String |
name_not | String |
name_gt | String |
name_lt | String |
name_gte | String |
name_lte | String |
name_in | [String!] |
name_not_in | [String!] |
name_contains | String |
name_contains_nocase | String |
name_not_contains | String |
name_not_contains_nocase | String |
name_starts_with | String |
name_starts_with_nocase | String |
name_not_starts_with | String |
name_not_starts_with_nocase | String |
name_ends_with | String |
name_ends_with_nocase | String |
name_not_ends_with | String |
name_not_ends_with_nocase | String |
impl | Bytes |
impl_not | Bytes |
impl_gt | Bytes |
impl_lt | Bytes |
impl_gte | Bytes |
impl_lte | Bytes |
impl_in | [Bytes!] |
impl_not_in | [Bytes!] |
impl_contains | Bytes |
impl_not_contains | Bytes |
_change_block | BlockChangedFilter |
and | [TokenType_filter] |
or | [TokenType_filter] |
Field | Type |
id | ID |
id_not | ID |
id_gt | ID |
id_lt | ID |
id_gte | ID |
id_lte | ID |
id_in | [ID!] |
id_not_in | [ID!] |
token | String |
token_not | String |
token_gt | String |
token_lt | String |
token_gte | String |
token_lte | String |
token_in | [String!] |
token_not_in | [String!] |
token_contains | String |
token_contains_nocase | String |
token_not_contains | String |
token_not_contains_nocase | String |
token_starts_with | String |
token_starts_with_nocase | String |
token_not_starts_with | String |
token_not_starts_with_nocase | String |
token_ends_with | String |
token_ends_with_nocase | String |
token_not_ends_with | String |
token_not_ends_with_nocase | String |
token_ | TokenEntity_filter |
upgradeTo | Bytes |
upgradeTo_not | Bytes |
upgradeTo_gt | Bytes |
upgradeTo_lt | Bytes |
upgradeTo_gte | Bytes |
upgradeTo_lte | Bytes |
upgradeTo_in | [Bytes!] |
upgradeTo_not_in | [Bytes!] |
upgradeTo_contains | Bytes |
upgradeTo_not_contains | Bytes |
data | String |
data_not | String |
data_gt | String |
data_lt | String |
data_gte | String |
data_lte | String |
data_in | [String!] |
data_not_in | [String!] |
data_contains | String |
data_contains_nocase | String |
data_not_contains | String |
data_not_contains_nocase | String |
data_starts_with | String |
data_starts_with_nocase | String |
data_not_starts_with | String |
data_not_starts_with_nocase | String |
data_ends_with | String |
data_ends_with_nocase | String |
data_not_ends_with | String |
data_not_ends_with_nocase | String |
timestamp | BigInt |
timestamp_not | BigInt |
timestamp_gt | BigInt |
timestamp_lt | BigInt |
timestamp_gte | BigInt |
timestamp_lte | BigInt |
timestamp_in | [BigInt!] |
timestamp_not_in | [BigInt!] |
operator | Bytes |
operator_not | Bytes |
operator_gt | Bytes |
operator_lt | Bytes |
operator_gte | Bytes |
operator_lte | Bytes |
operator_in | [Bytes!] |
operator_not_in | [Bytes!] |
operator_contains | Bytes |
operator_not_contains | Bytes |
tx | Bytes |
tx_not | Bytes |
tx_gt | Bytes |
tx_lt | Bytes |
tx_gte | Bytes |
tx_lte | Bytes |
tx_in | [Bytes!] |
tx_not_in | [Bytes!] |
tx_contains | Bytes |
tx_not_contains | Bytes |
type | String |
type_not | String |
type_gt | String |
type_lt | String |
type_gte | String |
type_lte | String |
type_in | [String!] |
type_not_in | [String!] |
type_contains | String |
type_contains_nocase | String |
type_not_contains | String |
type_not_contains_nocase | String |
type_starts_with | String |
type_starts_with_nocase | String |
type_not_starts_with | String |
type_not_starts_with_nocase | String |
type_ends_with | String |
type_ends_with_nocase | String |
type_not_ends_with | String |
type_not_ends_with_nocase | String |
_change_block | BlockChangedFilter |
and | [TokenUpgradeHistory_filter] |
or | [TokenUpgradeHistory_filter] |
Field | Type |
id | ID |
id_not | ID |
id_gt | ID |
id_lt | ID |
id_gte | ID |
id_lte | ID |
id_in | [ID!] |
id_not_in | [ID!] |
members_ | Member_filter |
_change_block | BlockChangedFilter |
and | [User_filter] |
or | [User_filter] |
Last updated